Friday, 4 January 2008

Happy New Year - out with the old, etc.

2007 saw technology march on apace. At this time of year, there are various retrospectives flying about, giving overviews of what has happened. Try the Indepedent's "The Year in Review: Technology", Technology Review's "The Year in software",'s review of the most important issues in e-commerce,'s "year in review, picturing tech", Computerandvideo's "PC Games of 2007" (other platforms are available) ,'s "Internet TV, the year in Review", and randomly, the "Five Coolest Hacks in 2007" (courtesy of Dark Reading, via John Naughton).

Which is always tempered with crystal gazing ahoy. How will technology change our future over the next decade? Try the BBC's "Technologies on the rise in 2008" , the BBC's commentator Bill Thompson on "Cloudy visions of the future" , the Sydney Morning Herald's "Ten things that will change your future", and the Guardian's "Facebook is so last year - welcome to the hit websites of 2008".

There, that should keep you from doing some real work for a while.

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