Tuesday 14 July 2015

New digs!

After 8 years here over at blogger, its time to take my blogging a little more seriously and make sure I own the content and how it is presented: its one of these things, when you a choose a platform, that you don't know how it is going to grow, or develop, and occasionally you need to make the leap.

 I’ve been quiet from a bloggy point of view over the last few months – but behind the scenes I’ve been working hard with UCLDH’s designer at large, Rudolf Ammann, on a shiny new blog space, all of my very own, which you can peruse over at:


for all your ranty bloggy digitally culturally heritagey needs. I've decided to keep this blogger space live, to prevent link-rot, but all of the content (including comments) has been ported over to melissaterras.org and I'll post new content from now on over there. I hope to see you over at the new space, and thanks for reading.

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